We love that you’re here!
NHCA has developed a volunteer policy and with our commitment to transparency, we encourage you to read through it. We’re happy to support with onboarding and ensuring the best experience for our volunteers, and the community.
Board of director Positions
All Board Positions are elected on each year at our June AGM and we always love new volunteers to step forward for any role. We are actively recruiting for the following positions as the current volunteers are not standing for these roles:
President - Fulfilled
Vice President - Fulfilled
Secretary - Fulfilled
Treasurer - Fulfilled
Hall Manager - Fulfilled
Director of Building & Maintenance - Fulfilled
Director of Civic Affairs - Fulfilled
Director of Communications - Fulfilled
Director of Community Engagement - Fulfilled
Director of Events - Fulfilled
Director of Fundraising - Fulfilled
Director of Memberships - Fulfilled
Director At Large - Fulfilled
Other Volunteer Positions
Hall Sign Manager - Fulfilled
Newsletter Editor - Fulfilled
Snow Shovelling Coordinator - Fulfilled
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Community Garden Committee
NHCA has established a community garden in the neighbourhood. If you care about shared garden plots, landscaping, or are just interested in supporting, we’re happy to have your help. Check out our Community Garden page for more info.
Entertainment Committee
NHCA has hosted some wonderful events in recent years and we look to continue to do so. Sometimes we get these huge ideas, but not enough free hands to support with bringing them into existence. If you’ve been to and loved any of our events, or have some great ideas for events in the future that you would want to help coordinate and organize, we are always looking for support.