NHCA Job description

Director of Memberships

Volunteer Job Overview

The Director of Memberships is responsible for the management of the North Haven Community membership list. They are also responsible for promoting membership benefits to the community when possible.

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Manage the Membership Spreadsheet  -  While additions to the list are automated through the purchase process on the website, the online list requires monthly management to correct and clean up data, manage duplicate entries and remove expired memberships.
    Time required for this task: 10 mins/month

  • Retrieval and Manual Input of Paper Membership Forms - Some Memberships may be purchased at events with member data filled out on paper forms.  These forms can be retrieved from event coordinators or from the Hall Manager when they are received by mail.  The forms may come physically or as scans in an email.  Data from paper forms must be manually input into proper fields within the Membership Spreadsheet.
    Time required for this task: Variable - up to 10 mins/month

  • Notify Members of Expiring Membership - Send out emails to members 1 month in advance of their membership expiring, encouraging them to renew for the year.
    Time required for this task: 5 mins/month

  • Coordinate and Run Initiatives to Increase Memberships - Organization of the Membership Drive in the month of May.  This may involve community outreach in the form of social media posts, the hall sign and the community-wide mailer as well as acquiring various prizes from local businesses for the Membership Drive Raffle.
    Time required for this task: Variable - Several hours

  • Attend Monthly Meeting and Report - (encouraged for this position) Attend the meeting on the second Thursday of each month held at the NHCA Hall.  Report on current membership numbers and any pertinent news
    Time required for this task: 2-3 hrs/month

  • Submit Monthly Report - If monthly meeting attendance is not possible a monthly summary of membership numbers and breakdowns should be submitted to the NHCA secretary prior to the start of the meeting.
    Time required for this task: 5 mins/month


During regular months the time commitment is roughly 4 hrs/month including the monthly meeting.  McKnight Soccer may increase this time during the month of March.  Membership Drive can significantly increase the time commitment during the end of April and through most of May.


Training and orientation will be provided by the predecessor or other board members, as required, per the Volunteer Policy.


  • Basic understanding of computers and online accounts

  • Understanding of spreadsheet applications

  • Organizational Skills