Building Tomorrows Community Today
North Haven Development Review Committee Role
Most community associations have committees that review and comment upon development permit applications and planning issues within their boundaries. North Haven has the Development Review Committee. Our values are to find neighbourly planning solutions appropriate to our “village”.
If you are planning an addition greater than 40 m2 or new construction (see the land use bylaw part 5 division 1 section 365 for exemptions), you should be aware that you will require a development permit from the City. There are two paths to approval. For North Haven, the first path is to follow the Contextual Development Guidelines
If the city approves the application as conforming, our committee will not be consulted. The second path is to apply for a discretionary permit. In this case, our committee will be consulted. As a basis, we use the “Contextual Development Guidelines”, but we also consider the individual application in relationship to our community and the wording in the 2007 City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw. We consult adjacent neighbours. We file a report with City Planning and the Authority makes a final decision. In both cases, the decision is subject to appeal. Our committee recommends following the first path.