48th Paint Project
Details for Artists & Residents
The area in question is for the newly installed adaptive sidewalk on 48th Avenue. The pathway was installed on the existing road surface. We selected a design from awesome variety of artists’ submitted visions for the pathway. The final design looks so much like the finished product! We couldn’t be more proud.
All inquiries can be sent to 48th@northhavenyyc.ca
Final Design
Design Area
Note the area in green. This is the space the design will be constrained within.
The designable area varies in width from 1.8m to 2.7m
The length of the pathway is 145m
We received confirmation from the city that the design must allow for exposed asphalt roughly every 30cm to prevent slipping on the painted surface.
Submitted Ideas
Winning design
Interested in seeing the vote data and comments? We have those for you too!